About the Schick’s Ministry

Poland Culture and Religion

Poland is a land rich in culture and history though much of its history has witnessed subjugation from outside forces. Historically it has been dominated by Roman Catholicism which has been its nationalistic religion and a uniting force against oppression. But most Roman Catholics do not have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not understand the Gospel. Though in recent decades it has thrown off the chains of communistic atheism and has joined the European Union. Poland still suffers from spiritual darkness and ignorance even though they are progressing economically.

Ministry in Poland

We hope to reach more Polish people with Gospel. The 85 Baptist churches currently in Poland cannot well reach a population of 38 million. The pastors there need help in developing better evangelistic outreach, solid discipleship, worker training and expansion through church planting.

Ed will be working directly with pastors in these areas. Leslie will be working in women’s ministry as well and will be teaching English as an evangelistic outreach.  We will also use English camps and sports camps to spread the Gospel message.

Example of Ministry

This last summer in Poland we visited an orphanage under the direction of Pastor Paul. We played a game of soccer with the children. During the half-time break we shared the Gospel using a soccer ball with 5-colors, each representing a point in the Gospel story. Our son, Ryan spoke in English while the pastor translated. Later our children shared musically. Kyle shared his testimony and a Bible verse as well.

Though just a brief event, this was sample of what God is doing in Poland through Polish Christians. We hope to come alongside them to help propel the Gospel deeper into the Polish communities so that there will be a harvest of more believers from this field and that there will be at least one local Baptist church in each community.

Ministry Challenge
Poland is not an easy field:

  • Knowing the language is essential but learning it is very difficult
  • Religious traditionalism
  • Increasing humanistic teaching from Western Europe
  • Costs of living have increased in recent years

We have served in difficult ministries including church planting. The Lord has shown His strength and faithfulness with us as weak instruments of His love and grace. It is with this confidence from the Lord that we seek this new venture for God.

“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed for I am your God.”

Isaiah 41:10

For those who feel led, we would challenge you to join our prayer team by contacting us via e-mail.

Yours in Christ,
Ed & Leslie Schick